Slow Down

Slow Down

We’ve all been there. Perhaps you’re there right now.

You’re scrolling through your feed or stories, but in the back of your mind, you know you’ve got work to do. Of course. There’s always something to do. The kids, the laundry, your business, your marriage… everything needs constant attention, maintenance, or repair. You’ve never been able to keep up, if you’re honest. When your head hits the pillow each night (or early morning), something remains undone.

When I was single, for some reason, life moved very slowly. I had to create my own drama (which I did faithfully). The day I got married, everything sped up. It was 0 to 60 in terms of my responsibilities. Throw kids and graduate school into the momentum, and the days blur.

That said, I’ve hit a point where I’m forcing the brakes, because this “runaway train” style of living is a breakdown waiting to happen. Make no mistake. My to-do list is as long as ever. However, I’m reorganizing my priorities.

It all started with one question. Where am I going with this?

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself that question? It’s very clarifying. It challenges you to consider the end goal in your activities. For me, I realized so many of the things I thought I needed to do really had no value in the big picture. They were just one more thing to do, and who needs that?

Lightening your load also comes with the notion of making yourself some kind of priority within your day. I get that you have a lot of people to take care of, but you have to be somewhere in that mix. After all, none of this works if you don’t. Your family, your work, your small corner of the universe… none of it will function the same if you burn out.

The buzz word is self-care, but really, it’s about slowing down. Asking yourself if this really matters. Then, reset. Make a change. In fact, make a few. You’re not in control of everything that happens to you, but you have some agency in your life. Use it.


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